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About The Company

Computation.com Inc. is a small IT consulting company headquartered in Northern Virginia. We aren't a big out-sourcing company, a vendor of hardware or software products or a provider of "computing" services, rather we provide highly skilled individual or small team consulting to augment your staff and project needs.

We value your business by delivering superior services at reasonable rates.

Company Services

The company's core skills include full life-cycle software design and development, object oriented software design and development, enterprise and database applications development, web design, and support for your basic and applied research efforts. More details on our services may be found on the company Services page.

Company Staff

Biographies and resume's of our current consultants are available on the Staff page. If you are a recruiter, a prospective customer, or are interested in the company's contract services, feel free to contact us.

Thanks for visiting Computation.com Inc. We look forward to serving your IT needs!

- John T. Nelson
President, Computation.com Inc

John Nelson - President and Senior Consultant.
Questions or problems regarding this web site should be directed to john@computation.com.
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